Legal Notice

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The Surf Webcam website is published by: SARL Easy Going Web EGWII
Responsible: Mr. Thomas SAINTOT
Postal Address: Centre Neptune 89 Pl. Paul Valéry,
34280 La Grande-Motte
Phone: +33 (0)6 62 86 61 35
Siren: 850 105 651
Website Purpose: Promotion of the establishment
Publication Director, Legal Representative: Mr. Thomas Saintot
Editorial Manager: Mr. Thomas Saintot
Web Development: Easy Going Web
Hosting: OVH

This site presents:
Informational content
Online data collection
Data Protection and Privacy: This site is registered with the National Commission for Computing and Liberties. You have the right to access, modify, rectify, and delete your personal data (Art. 34 of the "Data Protection and Freedom" law). To exercise this right, please contact: 
Intellectual Property: The website and its content are protected by French intellectual property law and international conventions. Apart from private or family use, the website and no part of its content may be reproduced, republished, transcribed, modified, or transmitted without prior authorization from the copyright holders. 

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General Information:

When you visit our website, various types of information are collected, including the IP address from which you access the site, the version and type of browser used, the operating system, domains, and time of the request. This information does not allow us to identify the user's identity, nor is it our intention. We use the collected information solely for statistical purposes, mainly to improve the content and presentation of our website. Please note that we may collect additional data, such as names, postal and email addresses, and phone numbers, which you voluntarily provide while browsing our site. You can also pay for and use our services using a pseudonym or anonymized data without providing the aforementioned personal data.


This website uses cookies to collect data for statistical purposes. Cookies are small files stored on your computer's hard drive; they monitor your activity as you browse our site and provide key data to facilitate navigation. If cookies are stored on your computer, you will not need to enter all the required data to access this site each time you visit. These data allow us to customize our website to suit your tastes and needs; this approach is part of our efforts to offer you smooth access to our pages and services. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer, you can use your browser settings to block cookies from our site. To learn how to configure your browser regarding cookie management, please visit your browser's help center. You can delete cookies already stored on your computer at any time. Please note that blocking cookies may limit access to certain features of our site and lead to a diminished browsing experience.

Data Sharing with Third Parties:

Unless otherwise stated in this declaration, all data you share with us, or that we collect from you while you browse our site, will be kept confidential and will not be disclosed to third parties unless required by law or necessary for the fulfillment of a contractual relationship you have entered into. Third-party companies and partners, including online payment companies, will only have access to this data when necessary to process your order. In such cases, we will ensure that the scope of data transmission is kept to the agreed minimum. We also impose a strict data protection policy regarding the personal data you provide or that we collect. Following this policy, we comply with data protection legislation. Please note that we are not responsible for the data you provide to other service providers. We take measures only to ensure that any data concerning you communicated by other service providers is done in full compliance with the requirements of data protection and privacy laws as outlined in our privacy policy.

Google Analytics:

This website uses Google Analytics, a service operated by Google that helps websites understand how to customize their pages to improve the user experience. This service uses cookies to track your actions, including the time you spend on our site and the pages you visit. Please note that none of your personal data is collected through our use of Google Analytics, so we are not able to identify who visits our site. For more information about Google Analytics, visit the official page.


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